Marcos de Niza sported a different look in a 42-0 win over Gilbert Perry: Pink jerseys.
The team wore pink jerseys to support breast cancer awareness. Others were on hand to help the Padres support the cause. The Arizona State University cheer line was in attendance along with Arizona Cardinals quarterback Matt Leinart.
Most of the 5,000 fans in the stands also wore pink.
The idea was brought up by Lindsay Griffith, Marcos de Niza athletic director Mike Griffith's daughter. After watching the Arizona State University women's basketball team play in pink uniforms, supporting breast cancer awareness, Lindsay asked whether the Padres could do the same thing.
Mike's initial answer?: Absolutely not.
Well, you know how fathers are with their daughters (or husbands with their wives for that matter). Mike couldn't say no and nine months later, the Padres were winning in pink---and Mike couldn't have been any happier.
"It gave me goose bumps to see all those people come together like that," Mike told Rivals.com.
The game was a success and Mike said he owes it all to his daughter.
"When you have a good idea and you involve the right people, it just becomes more than you ever dreamed it would,'' he said.
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